Turn back now before it's too late!
Uh, I'll write you up something later. You'll need a way of getting signal out, and a way of syncing / sequencing with your other gear. PNW is a good module for a lot of timing/sync stuff but you'll also want at least one filter, and some modulation like LFOs and envelope generators. If you're going to use analogue oscillators you'll probably want some way of managing tuning.
When choosing modules it'll help to have an idea of what you're looking to get out of it. Eg fat analogue bass, acid lines, percussion, bleepy bloop stuff, Buchla-esque squawks/pings…
When choosing modules it'll help to have an idea of what you're looking to get out of it. Eg basslines, percussion, bleepy bloop stuff, Buchla-esque squawks/pings…
Techno melodic/not so melodic bleep lines if that makes sense. Wanted the PNW for Euclidean. Plan to sequence as much as I can using the Torso T1. I'm not really interested in drums, so will be mostly oscillators, modulation sources and FX really
Just bought my first modular case. Planning on buying the ALM MCO oscillator and ALM Pamela's New Workout to start off with, probably a VCA too, give me some time to find out what they do/ what I like before buying other modules.
Anyone got any suggestions/must haves?