It’s the revenge of the bullied isn’t it?
Bullied by parents to be what they wanted them to be
Bullied at school for not being in with the kool kids
Bullied at work as interns by egomaniacal wankers
And now bullied by their own delusional self belief into doing a job they have no capability for
It’s really sad, for them but mostly for us
I despair
There's a slight possibility you are projecting and those assholes got where they are, with their various and often bizarre personality disorders, by paths other than the one that put you in the exalted but undeserved position you enjoy to the despair of the rest of humanity.
You are in a position of power you're completely unfit to occupy, right?
They all went to posh schools and played posh sports or probably didn't have to do anything they didn't want to.