In my (annoyingly now vast/broad experience) the trades on here are not representative of 99% of the trades out there.
Watching trades on Youtube or Tiktok etc (don't judge me), most of it is seemingly in jokes and banter which show their utter disdain for clients and lack of respect for working on people homes. One trade playing pranks on another, deliberately fucking with something. Or just down right slagging off clients who have made what appear to be totally reasonable requests.
And I get it's a first world problem to even have somewhere to get people to work on in the first place and a rant that keeps getting played out here and in the Owning your own home thread. But come on, I'm constantly trying to do things right, engaging with people who are well reviewed, rated or referred. But there's just no end to the let downs. I don't even have high expectations anymore, don't chip anyone on costs and pay every invoice immediately (if work has been done or materials need to be bought). But still constantly left feeling like a mug.
All that being said, the two guys who are completely rebuilding our bedroom are gold. Their finish is not exactly something I'm going to share on some other threads here due to certain self important folks getting a kick out slating of anything they don't deem to be perfect or straight from a Modern House listing. But they are hard working, produce solid results and are genuinely lovely and respectful people. They just don't have the best judge of other people they get in. And I'm secretly enjoying the big one singing along in sweet falsetto to Magic Radio most of the day. And they finish each Friday with a bottle of Guinness Foreign extra and a bit of a dance while they're tidying up.
If anyone needs one of these, I have 9 after a total cod piece of an electrician left me a back box with a broken lug (after he had used a cut off screw with mangled threads, which jammed, causing the plastic lug to break off) and therefore leaving a cable outlet faceplate secured with only one screw. I even pointed it out to him because he wired in the towel rad element before it had been screwed into the rad itself so I removed it, screwed it into the rad then rewired it. That's how I noticed the fucked lug, when I took the faceplate off and the lug came with it. How the fuck was anyone supposed to screw in an element when it has already been hard wired to the outlet? Even if it did turn enough to screw in, the rad was pre-filled so needed to be upside down when the element was fitted and the cable wasn't long enough to reach.
Couldn't buy just one. I also have 48 x 50mm screws as I didn't want to use the cut off one again and the other one was too short for the thicker faceplate I was adding for the towel rad controller (I tried to have the conversation with him about this and the fact that I wasn't too happy that the mirror light/shaver socket and rad were on the same switched spur so if I wanted the mirror light on I'd have to have the rad on too.... but he just looked at me like I had two heads so I just let him fit the dumb outlet and resigned to fitting the controller myself, which works how I wanted it to) and I could only get a box of 50 at short notice and the ones that came with the lug repair things were too long.
Oh, also, when installing new smoke alarms top of the house to bottom, he put approximately 3,000 holes in the walls and ceilings to run cables through. Luckily our builder who brought him in is making those good.
Double also, when I asked which circuit the smoke alarms were on, he said "why?" BECAUSE IT'S MY FUCKING HOUSE, YOU CUNT!!! Was what I wanted to say, but instead I went with, "I'm just curious".
What the fuck is it with so many pricks happy to take your money and then take zero pride at all in anything they do or entertain what you might want and try to make that happen and instead just do what they want?
Tl;dr - trades being bulbs, again, if anyone needs back box lug repair things and doesn't want to buy ten, I have some.