I absolutely refuse to believe that Johnson was ever going to do a second term.
He got his mates to spread the rumours so he could reestablished his political power (which prior to this had evaporated), and used it as a way to cut a deal with Sunak for something - Lords, doss job for £££s, pushing through polices for his mates, etc. TBH even just for his own ego and a bit of extra PR for his speaking engagements would be enough for the fucking toad.
I know I'm shouting into the echo chamber here, but also the absolute fucking delusion of his acolytes - this notion that he's some sort of devout patriot who's journeyed back from overseas like Kevin fucking Costner in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves to serve his people. HE'S BEEN ON FUCKING HOLIDAY AFTER ALREADY HAVING A FUCKING SUMMER HOLIDAY EARNING EXTRA CASH FOR CHATTING SHIT. Jesus, no wonder our country is so fucked.
That or he sees the zero chance of a win and wants a cushy 5 years as leader of the opposition after an early election that he campaigns for (he wrote a speech for both sides you know)
I absolutely refuse to believe that Johnson was ever going to do a second term.
He got his mates to spread the rumours so he could reestablished his political power (which prior to this had evaporated), and used it as a way to cut a deal with Sunak for something - Lords, doss job for £££s, pushing through polices for his mates, etc. TBH even just for his own ego and a bit of extra PR for his speaking engagements would be enough for the fucking toad.
I know I'm shouting into the echo chamber here, but also the absolute fucking delusion of his acolytes - this notion that he's some sort of devout patriot who's journeyed back from overseas like Kevin fucking Costner in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves to serve his people. HE'S BEEN ON FUCKING HOLIDAY AFTER ALREADY HAVING A FUCKING SUMMER HOLIDAY EARNING EXTRA CASH FOR CHATTING SHIT. Jesus, no wonder our country is so fucked.