These 11th hour electrical gremlins are the stuff of nightmares, given me a blown clutch, gearbox, something in the driveline all day, hard work but you know what you need to do just have to get it, electrical stuff is mega frustrating.
Could be you've caught a wire somewhere when prepping, something between ecu/crank position/ignition comfort pack box or the RF reader on the ignition column, or key got damaged and thats caused it to not recognise it anymore. Done any welding recently?
There is a guy on YouTube - Samcrac who fixes cars. I think he did a BMW which had electrical faults - it might be worth having a look at his vid to give yourself ideas of what to check. From memory, a random fault in one part of the car was caused by issues in the boot - how people fix electrical probs in cars is a constant source of amazement to me.
At least you had some time to burn off the frustration! It'll get sorted... And possibly something ridiculous and simple, the usual way these things go.
Not the same, but I'm with you in electronics pain. The family car, a 2015 Audi A4, has been off the road for two weeks because of a failed airbag control module that won't accept re-programming. Right after a spent a chunk of cash fixing the failed dual mass flywheel. Cars eh?