Up the west of South Africa and Namibia - Cape to Windhoek.
2700km, mostly off-road, organised by Ryan Flynn, who I met on IndyPac and who now works for Jesse at Curve. The route takes in a lot of desert. I've seem some fabulous pictures from recces.
It's been postponed for a couple of years due to COVID.
Some big names including Sofiane, Sarah H, Abdullah Z, Josh Ibbett, Lael Wilcox, Steve Halligan. Originally I think Kristof was down to do it, and Jesse, but they're not on the latest start list. I'm not sure if Jesse would be fit to race nowadays.
I'd love to have been able to do it, but doesn't work for me nowadays. Will watch it a bit though. Here's the mapprogress link: https://rhinorun2022.maprogress.com/
I was speaking with someone from Namibia about this, they had some questions about the route and resupply. Also about why it supported a charity that wasn't in Namibia.
This starts tomorrow:
Up the west of South Africa and Namibia - Cape to Windhoek.
2700km, mostly off-road, organised by Ryan Flynn, who I met on IndyPac and who now works for Jesse at Curve. The route takes in a lot of desert. I've seem some fabulous pictures from recces.
It's been postponed for a couple of years due to COVID.
Some big names including Sofiane, Sarah H, Abdullah Z, Josh Ibbett, Lael Wilcox, Steve Halligan. Originally I think Kristof was down to do it, and Jesse, but they're not on the latest start list. I'm not sure if Jesse would be fit to race nowadays.
I'd love to have been able to do it, but doesn't work for me nowadays. Will watch it a bit though. Here's the mapprogress link: