• #902
Thanks @BetterShifting.Terry & @thants, have forward this diagram to the shop as well as the the video and see what they say.
Had a quick phone call and their main concern now is the strength of the carbon bars (darimo) to house the junction box.
Random question to all, can I ask does the junction box in the handlebar put a lot of stress to the bar ends?
• #903
You mean the bar-end junction box? The EW-RS910? I'd say that puts absolutely no stress on the handlebar at all.
• #904
It doesn't clamp in at all. It's held on with sticky tape and the handlebar tape. Zero stress whatsoever.
Take your bike somewhere else.
• #905
it comes with some plastic spacer holder type things, I'm pretty sure they go over the outside of the bars. Hopefully they're not trying to wedge the whole thing into the bar end!
• #906
• #907
Persistent and better communication helps when you’re working with the right people.
Just in time for summer…
(Will take some better pictures once we have better light)
2 Attachments
• #908
Nice! LOOKing good! ;-)
• #909
Quite the trio youve got there, all of them look amazing! Surprised that shop gave you this much trouble.
1 Attachment
• #910
this is excellent, for me this meme format peaked at nairo’s trial
• #911
Can I dib's the tweety and sylvester chainring?
• #912
This is sick. It's so light it's somehow levitating!
• #913
Terrible Pun, but with the help you gave me I let it slide ;)
• #914
Too many cooks and miscommunication.
Should have been an easy job but didn't help with the fact the usual person that helped me wasn't there and took people were confused on what I wanted and after that it was a terrible snowball affect that that.
• #915
Also would rep.
• #916
Can do, you in London - bare in mind this is an oval chainring.
• #917
I wish it was this light, haven't measured it but we are looking at the tipping scale of around 7.5kg which compared to my 196 of 13kg it is featherweight.
• #918
I love it<3
• #919
Love the build! Congrats
(Ignoring the bartape 😇)
• #920
Lovely build! Those older Looks really are nice. They fill a nice middle ground between classic design and futuristic proprietary everything.
• #921
• #922
Fairly finished:
5 Attachments
• #923
why fidlock WHY??
• #924
Definitely screwed up on this element - they are completely useless. I have some lightweight cages to put on this bike instead.
I was suckered into the innovation design of it, but they’re small, rattle a lot and doesn’t save you that much weight.
• #925
^ Other than that, perfection
that was one of my thoughts, rear brake cable stops the complete removal but it allows easy detachment for travel.
I have a 675, so similar plugs on the frame , was hoping to bodge one of the stoppers to feed both di2 and brake through it but couldn't figure it out so the di2 runs into the downtube and the rear brake into the toptube