Yes, just a regular (I'm guessing) M6 nut. Recessed brake nut, don't know if I've got one laying about but makes sense. Enlarging hole shouldn't be a problem. I only need an additional 8-10mm length to give me the 10mm tyre clearance to mudguard
EDIT: If using the recessed brake nut, I presume from bottom to top, it's nut, mudguard, daruma bolt, fork crown bolt to hold it up. Wouldn't this lead to the mudguard rattling around?
Jig mad, mudguard hammered and I think it'll work. But, one problem solved, another issue crops up. The fork crown daruma bolt is too short, leaving too much space between mudguard and tyre. Anyway around this, either buying a longer daruma bolt (can't seem to find one) or some sort of extender. Would like to avoid using an l-braket as that will require more bodging of the mudguard.