They each caused the next. Cameron set it all in motion then May's complete botch of an election led her in desperation to the DUP, she didn't have to do that. People forget how weak and completely lacking in leadership she was. She came up with what was ultimately the only solution to the NI border issue in 2017, but A. Foster veto'd it. Without that DUP deal May could have moved far quicker on the Brexit deal.
Cameron's casual and entirely PR focused approach to the office and May prolonged ineptitude handed Johnson the initiative to push everything through regardless of whether it will work or not, purely in the name of "getting brexit done".
Again people forget May was just as populist as Johnson in the divisive messaging only Johnson's actions upped the ante to labeling the Supreme Court enemies of the people as well as remainers etc.
When Johnson's entire Government left him in one night, his membership were so inebriated by Johnson's nonsense that they saw Truss as a legitimate option, purely because she was continuity Johnson and because Sunak "stabbed Boris in the back".
Also Johnson purged anyone remotely sensible from the Party as soon as they raised an eyebrow so none were left to influence anything from the inside.
How would you rank Tory PM's post-Labour in order of dreadfulness?
Cameron the worst due to causing the shitshow we still find ourselves in? Does Boris top this for general IDGAF car crash attitude, or does Truss trump everything for popping off the Queen and driving the economy off an unnecessary cliff? Was May ok in a sea of shit, or are we just beaten down from lurching from one disaster to another?