Sounds like the venerable call out fee.
My usual punter based routine is: do I have a trade I trust to do the work based on previous, if so message and book them, pay bill.
If not get Recommendations from friends/family then quotes and if I'm happy to pay what they are asking then boom I'll book.
Having a rage about how the quote/invoice is broken down seems churlish. I pay the whole bill not just parts of it.
Doesn't work that way, some of the sundries (repaircare epoxy resin) are too expensive to include in the labour rate and it would mean the 1 hour jobs I do on the bike are also paying to run the van.
Another thing I've never done but will have to start doing is double the labour rate for the first hour. I can't do 8 hours of 1 hour jobs in a day if I'm going on the time I arrive on site.
Your final point, yes, a lot of people will be using materials they know and trust. Nothing worse than getting crappy materials that slow you down or mess your s**t up.
The bike shop analogy is fine.