I'd add you mention progressive conservatism is growing through Europe, you know what else is growing? The power of right wing parties. Ignoring the pros/cons of actually having a right wing party in power they often go for the stance of anti-immigration but good national support for "familes". Of course that often means "traditional families" and anything outside a man-woman marriage with 3 kids is discouraged and support for the disabled can be Darwinian. E.g. Hungary.
E.g. Hungary.
And Austria...not sure there is anywhere harder to be a non native in Europe than in Austria.
Don't mistake me pointing out that conservative governments have started to realise that there is more prosperity and money to be made if you've got a happy, healthy and wealthy population for me condoning them or saying that these governments are good governments.
My point still stands though. Austria is a mostly right wing country with a right of centre government, but is in the top 10 most productive countries in the world with a high citizen happiness rating and low poverty levels. IMHO, this comes from deacdes of investing in the whole of society and not just pumping money to corporations and the mega rich. They appear to be unafraid to take a long term view when it comes to policy.