I don't believe progressive conservatism exists outside of studies
Government of Austria. A right wing and green coalition government. Cunts over immigration and all the usual populist and right wing nonsense, however they push progressive policies particularly around social investment and the environment.
- Harsh tax regime for operators and users of non green transport.
- Harsh tax regime and planning hurdles for non renewables. Tax breaks and investment support for green schemes.
- The Kilmabonus. Every Austrian receives a cash payment on an annual basis, calculated on how envrionmentally friendly your region has been in the previous year. 500 euros per person this year. https://www.klimabonus.gv.at/en/
- Large investment budget for childcare, social care, eldercare.
- Large investment budget for youth services and sports/wellbeing
- Largest education budget in Europe.
Edit: Just to add, they enjoy 90% approval of public services, 75% for education. This helps.
- Harsh tax regime for operators and users of non green transport.
I don't believe progressive conservatism exists outside of studies. You may get people saying they belive in social progressivism and economic liberalism but they're fundamentally at odds with each other. It takes a certain kind of cognitive dissonance to say you believe in social services while also saying you believe in liberalism.