What are you doing with the pedal when removed, is there a mount to park it on the bike?
And would you have an Aliexpress link perchance so I can have a look?
There are mounts available but I just stick it in my pocket or the side pocket of my Borough bag.
Ali link - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001012541545.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.6be61802rd5aNi
It's quite nice that whipping even just the one pedal off makes the bike virtually unrideable so if you have to leave it out of your sight (I had to put mine in a cupboard kind of thing in a pub once) then you know that it's not going to get ridden away.
What are you doing with the pedal when removed, is there a mount to park it on the bike?
And would you have an Aliexpress link perchance so I can have a look?