9 miles from my house to work
Ah, 9 miles is borderline for me on whether I would wear cycling-specific clothes or not. For starters, get yourself some mudguards with flaps and a good front and rear light. You’ll want waterproofs, a jacket and gloves at least but possibly some trousers/tights as well. Some proper merino base layers will help. I wear a long-sleeve one through most of the winter. If you get really cold a buff will help (I always overheat with one though). Then you need to think about what clothes you can store at work and what you need to take with you. On days when it’s obvious I’m going to get wet I will take a change of bibs and some spare waterproof socks to keep my feet dry when I stick them back in wet shoes for the ride home.
How long is your commute? That will decide some of what you need.