• #66152
nice that. Quite a few bikes without the wheels - wonder what happened there
• #66153
From one of the listings -
A friend of ours has been tasked with clearing the house of a deceased relative. She has asked us to sell some of the items.
We will be listing an eclectic mix of items over the future months, mainly cycling related items and model vehicles. We have little experience in selling some of the items, so please contact us if you have any queries and we will do our best to answer them.Our friend's relative had been a keen cyclist, which explains the large number of cycling related items to be listed.
• #66154
Some really lovely bikes here. Shame they're so far away.
If I lived in Bristol or Wales, I'd definitely try and buy the F Moser!
• #66155
I'm just across the water and thankful few of them would fit me
• #66156
I keep coming back to this, if only it had braze-ons for luggage.
• #66157
Get em brazed on!
• #66158
Do it. Needs a new paint job anyway, to get the frame and forks to match.
• #66159
I'm going to try and win the Mercian. If I do, can bring any other bikes back to Bristol if it helps anyone
• #66161
Ooof, I might go for this... Thanks for the heads-up
• #66162
The mercian vincitore is climbing in price.
• #66163
It's very pretty. Maybe they also have the wheels with dynamo front hub?
• #66164
If there’s anyone near Petworth in the South Downs, this is a bit of a bargain.
• #66165
Did you win?
• #66166
Unfortunately not. Wasn't willing to pay more than the 395 it went for at the moment personally:(
• #66167
Oh well. I'm sure there'll be another one along in a while. And maybe prices will drop in the winter when people are colder and poorer.
• #66168
Shouldn't say this but I was purely buying it for my wall. I love mercians/Mercian story and I'm from derby so some sentimental value there. Way too small for me to ride. It's such a lovely frame so hopefully someone will ride it
• #66169
We all sin. Last week I bought a bike just to profit from selling the components.
• #66171
Genesis 853 ends in an hour
I'd love this but it's down in Exeter
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/144752341263?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=u1X9Q-RtTki&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=wsQS6kPKSQ6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
• #66172
I'm down in Exeter everyday pretty much, commuting from Bristol. If you're based near Bristol can bring it back and drop off?
• #66173
Bargain for someone, that. Looks like it would clean up nice and 26" MTBs are still great fun.
• #66175
GT Aero Edge that is listed weirdly (a kit?) and been in my watched items for ages:
Lovely Mercian here: seller also has a pile of lustworthy old bikes on offer. I’m almost tempted to drive to Wales myself…https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314171716161