Keeping it a thing of joy is the main thing for me personally. As soon as it becomes a chore then what’s the point, right? That said, there’s a difference between it becoming a chore and having that “ugh, another 12k run then” feeling on a Wednesday, and then actually being glad you’re out there once you get moving etc.
You’ve got a nice chunk of time to build that base again and enjoy things before ramping up.
I switched my long run to a Saturday because I go to the track on a Monday with my daughter.
I'd run to a parkrun up to around 15 miles away, do that as a marathon pace run, then either run a bit more or just get a train home
Sorry for clogging up the thread, I'm at a bit of a loose end seeing as I'm having a rest week!
Just started back after a 6 month break from running, aiming for an April trail-marathon. It's interesting to notice what the break did, reckon I lost about 25% of my running ability that I had built up overall. The first runs back have felt sluggish and muscle aches have lasted for a couple of days after, whereas I wasn't getting any of that during regular running. I struggled with boredom toward the end of my road marathon training last year, think I stated the training cycle too early and it just went on and on. Hopefully a trail type of marathon will give enough novelty to avoid that. I'm slowly building some base mileage before probably gradually upping it in December time. Hoping for consistency and most of all to enjoy it.