I've never taken it out of the bike. Literally no idea how it works - assume there's a little guy in the seatpost pulling levers, much like the way a fridge light works.
I was assuming my first dealings with it would've been up a mountain somewhere @skinny sent us. Lucky I didn't make it that far.
I need to go find the One Up manual.
Not sure I have enough tools for this.
https://www.oneupcomponents.com/pages/dropper-post-service-instructionsOr is it this:
https://www.oneupcomponents.com/pages/dropper-post-v2-service-rebuildFuck me, I have to take the saddle off to adjust this shit? I'm out. Droppers are dead to me.
It would definitely be a quick fix thing, are you in the middle of something or have you got access to most tools? Might help to check the air pressure and top that up and use it a few times with some silicone lube in lieu of a proper service.