Hello, I had the twisty boiler. It's because the front of the gasket gets compressed over time so loosens up. If it's loose, check you haven't got a load of rust forming underneath the base from escaping vapour. If so, naval jelly will fix it up. The boiler is normally screwed on pretty tight, I used an adjustable 3-prong oil filter wrench to get it off to fit the new gasket.
I use espressoshop service kits, they work great.
@mmccarthy I solved the steam drip in a similar way. Used a hi-temp silicone end cap with the end cut off. Got a pack of twenty and go through about one a year with daily use.
Used a hi-temp silicone end cap with the end cut off.
Ah yes I remember that suggestion! May go down that route as it seems a bit more tidy than the PTFE route. Though I think I probably got about the same duration from the PTFE, maybe I'll just use it as my "your machine could do with a light service" marker!
Now to get an hour or two of peace and quiet away from the investigative 5 year old to actually service the thing.
Im looking to do a service on my Dad’s Pavoni lever machine. There are two main issues (that I’m aware of):
1.Boiler rotates in stand
2.Steam escapes from group head -> boiler connection
Anyone done this sort of thing and can give me some pointers? There’s lots online so can always fall back on Google- also a lot of noise so prefer to speak to someone here :~D Tia