Also, part 83 (in the picture, not the table) can perish and split.
Ah yes that was it, I think the kit I linked to only provides part 85 in that area.
Speaking of leaks and PTFE, do you have issues with the steam wand not shutting off fully so dripping a little water out? There's a sort of cone shaped piece at the end that shuts off the path between the boiler and wand that I'd previously just wrapped in a bit of PTFE which sorted it for a good few months. Will probably just re-apply that and see what happens though.
@mmccarthy is personally responsible for all Europiccola faults though.
I mean if that also makes me responsible for all the great things about them then so be it! (I realise the irony of saying this after complaining about a small leak...)
I've not come across this yet - then again, I've not tried removing it.
This is a useful page though.
This happens in mine, and, as far as I can tell, is pretty unavoidable.
I have wrapped the group to boiler gasket in PTFE tape, which has improved it somewhat.
Pulling a shot without any basket attache can help, if you are starting from cold.
Also, part 83 (in the picture, not the table) can perish and split. It's possible to buy brass versions,
although this can lead to the group heating up way too much.
@mmccarthy is personally responsible for all Europiccola faults though.