1.Boiler rotates in stand
No idea personally, but I think it's pretty common to remove it as part of a full service, so I guess try to find some servicing docs and see what they say about loosening & re-attaching the boiler
2.Steam escapes from group head -> boiler connection
I'm guessing you've checked the two bolts holding the group on to make sure they're not loose? There's a gasket in there that's generally included with a standard servicing kit that's possibly disintegrating and just needs replaced. @TW Did you have this issue recently? Fairly sure someone on this thread was talking about it
This sort of thing should cover you for both: https://www.theespressoshop.co.uk/en/GB/La-Pavoni-Lever-Service-Kit-New-Group---45002/m-2256.aspx
1.Boiler rotates in stand
I've not come across this yet - then again, I've not tried removing it.
This is a useful page though.
2.Steam escapes from group head -> boiler connection
This happens in mine, and, as far as I can tell, is pretty unavoidable.
I have wrapped the group to boiler gasket in PTFE tape, which has improved it somewhat.
Pulling a shot without any basket attache can help, if you are starting from cold.
Also, part 83 (in the picture, not the table) can perish and split. It's possible to buy brass versions,
although this can lead to the group heating up way too much.@mmccarthy is personally responsible for all Europiccola faults though.
Hello, I had the twisty boiler. It's because the front of the gasket gets compressed over time so loosens up. If it's loose, check you haven't got a load of rust forming underneath the base from escaping vapour. If so, naval jelly will fix it up. The boiler is normally screwed on pretty tight, I used an adjustable 3-prong oil filter wrench to get it off to fit the new gasket.
I use espressoshop service kits, they work great.
@mmccarthy I solved the steam drip in a similar way. Used a hi-temp silicone end cap with the end cut off. Got a pack of twenty and go through about one a year with daily use.
Im looking to do a service on my Dad’s Pavoni lever machine. There are two main issues (that I’m aware of):
1.Boiler rotates in stand
2.Steam escapes from group head -> boiler connection
Anyone done this sort of thing and can give me some pointers? There’s lots online so can always fall back on Google- also a lot of noise so prefer to speak to someone here :~D Tia