Prolific acorn production may be an evolutionary response to the water stress experienced by most broad leafed trees this Summer in England.
Not enough water gives rise to early leaf loss to try and avoid transpiration losses.
The tree may interpret the drought conditions as ' this is unusual and life threatening, maximise acorn production with a hope that some germinate and eventually give rise to fertile acorn producing trees'.Also last year, at least in outer north west London, seemed to be 'down' year for acorn production.
I have no recollection of the acorn production in 1976.
Yes. Each year we notice different species are in ascendence, be it flora or fauna. Last year we had multiple wasp and hornets nests, this year only one wasp nest. Wild flowers were in abundance this year, but we had less nettles. Our lawn is like walking on marbles due to all the acorns right now.
Acorns. Specifically the millions of the bastards on the cycle paths that turn every corner into a coin toss about whether you can get around without sliding off.