Turns out there isn't one in the house so had to faff around with the main on on the pavement out front.
We had this once, when the hose to the washing machine burst.
The outside stop cock was, of course, seized pretty badly too. And full of spiders.
Turns out that the stop cock was on the inflow by the boiler, and was the first thing that I had looked at.
But didn't turn it off, because it had a yellow handle.
Unvented cylinder was a revelation here. We had loft tank and electric shower when we moved. There was also a pump by the old HW tank to push water up to the loft shower (which we never used, as it was fucked). Getting unvented, throwing in a thermostatic mixer and rainfall shower over the bath gave me more pleasure that it had any right to. Downside was that the loft shower was SO fucked, that even though it wasn't being used, the shitty old mixer bar basically exploded from the new, higher pressure overnight. I then had to very quickly learn where the water shut off was, far too early in the morning, in my pants. Turns out there isn't one in the house so had to faff around with the main on on the pavement out front.