• Bloody hell. Same chopper. Fairly tall, glasses, dressed head to toe in black?

    Came up the inside of me in the segregated section. I'd drifted very slowly across to the middle lane because it was obvious the cyclist ahead of me was about to turn slow / turn left. He aggressively rang his bell, then barged through a gap not even a seasoned CX racer would take - when I caught him his whattaboutery was 'you'd have looked if you were in a car not pulled out', squarely missing the point that in a car that would have been an accident with him at fault [even if looking was the issue]. Then proceeded to jump a few lights, cut up two cyclists before I lost him...

    Credit to him, unreal self confidence / belief in his righteousness. I was a bit taken aback by his insistence it was my fault.

  • Sounds incredibly similar, yes. Tall, glasses, RLJ and unwavering self belief. I've only encountered the clown once thankfully. From my experience, I wouldn't waste your breath trying to reason with the guy as to why his riding style is so dangerous and inappropriate.
