Cure, the Japanese movie proper scary.
If you want some ghost stuff from the same director Pulse. Not as coherent a movie bit some proper tense scenes.Tale of two sisters for more traditional fare :)
And of course the Japanese ring Trilogy.
Antichrist has a supernatural elements but it's a pretty downer watch...
A girl walks alone at night, Bram Stoker's Dracula, interview with the Vampire for bitey horror and of course "what we do in the shadows" for comedy horror.
Obsession/videodrome for your more art house horror and shivers is a great gory early cronenberg.
Cabin in the woods for post modern scary stuff.
I need to watch more new movies all these are pretty...old.
What spooky films have people been watching? 'tis the season after all.
I just watched Apostle. Some pretty blatant influences, about half an hour too long and pretty unpleasant. Better than I was expecting over all. It did just make me want to rewatch The Wicker Man and have a much better time though.