I've wanted to consolidate my old work workstation and ancient home PC for ages... Finally got round to it the last couple days, two totally dismantled PCs spread around the spare room, only to find the OEM lenovo mobo won't fit in my lian li case. Looks like they've stuck to mATX standard apart from adding about 7mm to the top edge with some nice tall headers on to clash with my top case fan. So infuriating!
Options as far as I can see are:
Remove top case fan
Dremel into outer casing of top case fan to allow for the header
Bend pins of the fan header on the motherboard allowing the female fitment to point upwards
I've wanted to consolidate my old work workstation and ancient home PC for ages... Finally got round to it the last couple days, two totally dismantled PCs spread around the spare room, only to find the OEM lenovo mobo won't fit in my lian li case. Looks like they've stuck to mATX standard apart from adding about 7mm to the top edge with some nice tall headers on to clash with my top case fan. So infuriating!
Options as far as I can see are:
Any suggestions or advice?
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