Distance On Track: 361.08 KM (45.43%)
Distance To Go: 433.72 KM
Daily AVG: 174.50 KM
Speed: 0.00 KM/H
AVG Route Speed: 7.27 KM/H
AVG Moving Speed: 9.50 KM/H
ETA: 1 d 21 h 39 m
Moving Time: 1 d 14 h 0 m (77%)
Stopped Time: 0 d 11 h 38 m (23%)
So, roughly 17hrs on the bike/day? Maybe 5hrs of night riding then - which I was hoping to avoid (and have managed to avoid very well by quitting).
Sam Thomas:
Distance On Track: 361.08 KM (45.43%)
Distance To Go: 433.72 KM
Daily AVG: 174.50 KM
Speed: 0.00 KM/H
AVG Route Speed: 7.27 KM/H
AVG Moving Speed: 9.50 KM/H
ETA: 1 d 21 h 39 m
Moving Time: 1 d 14 h 0 m (77%)
Stopped Time: 0 d 11 h 38 m (23%)
So, roughly 17hrs on the bike/day? Maybe 5hrs of night riding then - which I was hoping to avoid (and have managed to avoid very well by quitting).