I'd still recommend darktable - it's free and has loads of modules, but that doesn't mean you have to use them all. I started with just cropping occasionally, then with playing with contrast/brightness/saturation, and now I'm messing around with white balance. I'm no pro either, just a happy amateur.
Alternatively, just do a little search online, there are quite a number of other options, quite a few with GUIs and many are pretty basic while still being functional (and cross platform).
So after using Lightroom for a few years but quite frankly not getting much use out of it I've decided to drop it - I don't enjoy editing, I'm no pro and I really like what my Fuji camera does to images anyway.
I've now started editing photos with the Fuji X raw software via the actual camera, which I find works well (if a bit slower maybe), but while this is great in terms of picture quality, it doesn't offer other basic functions like cropping/straightening and maybe the odd simple heal brush/clone stamp.
Is there a very simple software that will offer that at either a low price or free, and possibly quite simple and light in use? I know something like gimp can do that and lots more, but since I wouldn't need the whole of what it does I'd rather stick to something a little simpler and probably quicker to use in the end.