Bit more than £1k!
I'd recommend a refurb Air with an M1 chip. Anything intel is a waste of money if you ask me. That + a 2nd hand iPhone. That way @Jameski gets something portable and can add a monitor later if needed. 2nd had decent iphone is what? £300? Bit over budget but money well spent
Refurbed macbook airs: https://cheshiremacs.com/collections/macbooks?tags_cpu_2qixal8nsviacp9twe2ac2dl=m1&q=&sortValue=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwvsqZBhAlEiwAqAHElXiYte8ffjL522V77VSclJfPcV0k6A1Q6QHOmN3WQc4xuT355RS2-BoCm4EQAvD_BwE
ping @Soul, think he compared the new Air with the Pro and was very impressed with the Air