Bought some cheap second hand plastic adjustable dumbells in lockdown and have really enjoyed mixing strength into my workouts. Looking for something a bit more durable and quicker rather than faffing with the spinlock buckles. Any thoughts on these?
Bought some cheap second hand plastic adjustable dumbells in lockdown and have really enjoyed mixing strength into my workouts. Looking for something a bit more durable and quicker rather than faffing with the spinlock buckles. Any thoughts on these?™-32kg-adjustable-dumbbells-set-pair?variant=42715928166599¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjwm8WZBhBUEiwA178UnM4lXs4YDC8uG7O-h7lyv5t0YZmTjLkrgWtuT7XtDEt3KUkO2YBnmhoChtwQAvD_BwE