Unless the government does a u-turn so that the financial markets calm down its going to get very ugly.
Some people are going to have to sell up and move into rented accommodation so that they can get out of their mortgage.
It comes either as a result of their own decision or because they end up in deep arrears on their loans and their bank repossesses their home. It’s the early 90s all over again and it’s what caused the early 90s house price crash.
Record low today for the £ vs the $- looks like the BoE is going to have to hike interest rates shortly to try to stop the plummet in the pounds value.
And, handily, our fixed term mortgage is coming to an end shortly.
Go for a base rate tracker and hope that the lunatics get défenestrâted? Pray? Something else?
Also, how are people going to afford mortgages that are at 1.49% today when they go to 6% at the end of their fixed period?