Sunday 25th Sept 2022
10am - 2pm
(Set up from 9am for sellers, rock up on the day and pay for a plot - £5 standard, £10 large)
Giraffe House, 285 Albany Road, SE5 0AH
Bike jumble, featuring a wide range of new and secondhand parts, secondhand bikes (road, hybrid, hard tail MTBs), childrens bikes, and frame and forks (Raleigh, triple triangle GT, Falcon etc.)
Sunday 25th Sept 2022
10am - 2pm
(Set up from 9am for sellers, rock up on the day and pay for a plot - £5 standard, £10 large)
Giraffe House, 285 Albany Road, SE5 0AH
Bike jumble, featuring a wide range of new and secondhand parts, secondhand bikes (road, hybrid, hard tail MTBs), childrens bikes, and frame and forks (Raleigh, triple triangle GT, Falcon etc.)
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