After getting quotes of around a grand to add a ladder and board 10sqm of the loft, I’m going to take the plunge and DIY it.
Plan is to counter-batten the current joists to give enough room for the insulation - but was wondering, for 18mm t+g chipboard, are 600mm centres fine for the battens they’ll sit on? Or is 400mm preferable?
Is this so you can fill the depth of the joists and then have a gap above? Which means you can vary the spacing.
Or just batten on top of the existing joists (not 'counter')
I’m probably using terminology wrong here - essentially there’s rockwool type insulation atop the joists at the mo, so will use timber at 90 degrees so the insulation doesn’t get squashed.
After getting quotes of around a grand to add a ladder and board 10sqm of the loft, I’m going to take the plunge and DIY it.
Plan is to counter-batten the current joists to give enough room for the insulation - but was wondering, for 18mm t+g chipboard, are 600mm centres fine for the battens they’ll sit on? Or is 400mm preferable?