Damn that took a long time but now it works! Had to specify a reserved IP address for a device on the LAN for my Pixel 6a. Then in Android's network settings changed to that static IP address. Now when I set up as @Velocio / the setup guide describes it works fine.
The router being used as a DHCP Server was causing the problem I think?
I have no idea but it's the setting that seems to make it work. If on Android I go to network details and change IP settings switch back to DHCP I lose connection and get that 'private DNS server cannot be accessed' message, switch it back to "static" and it's all good 🤷
Damn that took a long time but now it works! Had to specify a reserved IP address for a device on the LAN for my Pixel 6a. Then in Android's network settings changed to that static IP address. Now when I set up as @Velocio / the setup guide describes it works fine.
The router being used as a DHCP Server was causing the problem I think?