Also, for reasons I can't fathom but am glad worked, even though I turned the RCD off for the shed sockets on the shed CU, leaving only the lighting circuit on in the shed, I still tripped the main RCD (or MCB, I may be using the wrong terminology) for the shed and the RCD for the kitchen socket circuit (shed CU has a tail that plugs into an extension lead which goes into an external socket on the kitchen socket circuit) when I started messing with the existing socket. Maybe some weird residual fuckery? Anyway, the protection all worked and turned back on with no drama. And pre-empting the pearl clutchers, power gets totally disconnected (CU tail unplugged from extension lead) when I leave the shed.
Also, for reasons I can't fathom but am glad worked, even though I turned the RCD off for the shed sockets on the shed CU, leaving only the lighting circuit on in the shed, I still tripped the main RCD (or MCB, I may be using the wrong terminology) for the shed and the RCD for the kitchen socket circuit (shed CU has a tail that plugs into an extension lead which goes into an external socket on the kitchen socket circuit) when I started messing with the existing socket. Maybe some weird residual fuckery? Anyway, the protection all worked and turned back on with no drama. And pre-empting the pearl clutchers, power gets totally disconnected (CU tail unplugged from extension lead) when I leave the shed.