we actually went through Ely as a large crowd was dispersing after paying tribute to ol' lizza. as our 6 or so strong group of yuppies came through on their eclectic gravel chariots several of the crowd gave us scornful looks, likely made worse by my, maybea little too loud, talk of "flag shaggers" to a pal.
@josh , i echo @po i leant a bike to a friend and they loved it, maybe you could tempt a pal on with one of your many hybrids
we actually went through Ely as a large crowd was dispersing after paying tribute to ol' lizza. as our 6 or so strong group of yuppies came through on their eclectic gravel chariots several of the crowd gave us scornful looks, likely made worse by my, maybea little too loud, talk of "flag shaggers" to a pal.
@josh , i echo @po i leant a bike to a friend and they loved it, maybe you could tempt a pal on with one of your many hybrids
@samrensho the solwest roadie to ever live
@Tijs reporting in a day later, i still wish we stayed in eli and sunk cans on the canal then got the train, than the "race against sunset" home