AGM- with a bit of luck you get 50% of the rated capacity, unless it’s cold, when you don’t. Also, craps out after far fewer charge cycles so has to be replaced at a rate of around 4 AGM to 1 LiFePo4 battery.
So! 200Ah of AGM = 100Ah of Lithium Iron.
Sure, but it’s more than 4x as expensive per Ah when you factor in the cost of the more sophisticated BMS. Plus the fire risk.
@NickCJ started
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AGM- with a bit of luck you get 50% of the rated capacity, unless it’s cold, when you don’t. Also, craps out after far fewer charge cycles so has to be replaced at a rate of around 4 AGM to 1 LiFePo4 battery.
So! 200Ah of AGM = 100Ah of Lithium Iron.