If it's the same voltage, then nothing to do. Bosch do have a programmable line where you can enter the lighting power, but that only effects the point at which it shuts the motor off and will still allow you to finish your ride with lights on.
You probably don't need to order a new Bosch cable for the new light if you just cut the old one and splice in the new.
That's good to know, thanks. I tend to top the battery up after each commute, so I don't think the shut off to keep the lights on will ever really be an issue.
Annoyingly, my current light says 6-12v, rather than a specific number, so I guess I need to dig a bit deeper.
You could stick a multi-meter across it. Alternatively it’s a 2 min job for a Bosch authorized dealer to plug it in and check (or change) the voltage.
If it's the same voltage, then nothing to do. Bosch do have a programmable line where you can enter the lighting power, but that only effects the point at which it shuts the motor off and will still allow you to finish your ride with lights on.
You probably don't need to order a new Bosch cable for the new light if you just cut the old one and splice in the new.