All dogs are a gamble, puppy or not. The benefit of a pup is you address the issues as they arise, with the aim of raising 'a good dog'.
Yes this is what I'm thinking. At least I'll know it's my fault if she ends up badly behaved. Plus I'm freelance and work from home so should be able to put a lot of time into training.
Children are 6 and 9 now and (usually) sleep through the night, a few months of disturbed sleep will be nothing compared to my younger daughter's several years of not sleeping properly. I also can't imagine a puppy being less obedient than her...
All dogs are a gamble, puppy or not. The benefit of a pup is you address the issues as they arise, with the aim of raising 'a good dog'.
There are a terrifying number of rescue puppers available, including on this site which we've spent far too long prevaricating on after a few shitty events this summer (they managed to IG target us so no idea as to reputation):
I don't regret choosing pupper phase, but I miss it. There's something magic about the illogicality of a 4 month old pup. I mean ours is still only 10months, but she's massive now.