I'm pulling together the last couple of bits for a build, and so I'm looking for the final pieces, I can go with either option below:
Option 1: A classic Quill stem (can be long reach 100mm+) and handlebars (ideally 25.4mm clamp size and 40cm+ width)
Option 2: a modern stem for 1" steerer with handlebars (25.4mm clamp size preferable)
Would be interested in any of the parts mentioned above, and am in New Cross SE14 so anything down this way would be preferable but can collect from elsewere
I'm pulling together the last couple of bits for a build, and so I'm looking for the final pieces, I can go with either option below:
Option 1: A classic Quill stem (can be long reach 100mm+) and handlebars (ideally 25.4mm clamp size and 40cm+ width)
Option 2: a modern stem for 1" steerer with handlebars (25.4mm clamp size preferable)
Would be interested in any of the parts mentioned above, and am in New Cross SE14 so anything down this way would be preferable but can collect from elsewere