Is that now just a saving face exercise of the government? They are usually not the types to sacrifice economic growth over peoples health.
The economy is in tatters, so actually it's quite handy to have an excuse like this ("we did it for the health of the people, not like in the evil west where they let all the old people die"). On the plus side, the government has learnt that you need to give people food if you're going to lock them in their homes.
Lots of cities in full lockdowns in China right now and it's very hard to leave your city even if you're not in a lockdown. In Shanghai we're still having covid tests (PCR tests) every 72 hours, and teachers/students have to have them every 24 hours. So there's one part of the economy that's booming...
Is that now just a saving face exercise of the government? They are usually not the types to sacrifice economic growth over peoples health.