My family found a few mega deals for basic accom in warmer parts this winter (jan/feb) forr the 2 month that were less than what gas + electric bill will amount to (for a month) and thought that was a good idea. House back here still will have standing charges, council tax etc and all the other stuff running on it, not as if you have no costs because you aren't here.
Ignore the jetting off to another country, transfers, etc, planet will have to take another one for the team :(
Yeah, you probably can't make massive savings but if I am forced to spend thousands more for essentially nothing but another miserable winter then maybe being somewhere else is nicer.
Saving the planet won't work either way, even the pandemic had not much of a positive effect, airlines just continue flying empty. Nobody is talking about potential CO2 savings because of millions of people not being able to heat this winter.
I was about to ask here what people thought about leaving the country for a few month in the winter and there is already a Guardian article about it.