I got the big power bank out of the van and plugged it in, just running the inverter is a 7w draw, running the door maxes out at 75w, and takes around 15 seconds.
Which means I'd need a panel that can cope with that draw through winter, plus some headroom for door use.
I've got a 20W panel that I was going to use to keep the car battery topped up, but I think that's going to be hopelessly outgunned in this scenario.
I got the big power bank out of the van and plugged it in, just running the inverter is a 7w draw, running the door maxes out at 75w, and takes around 15 seconds.
Which means I'd need a panel that can cope with that draw through winter, plus some headroom for door use.
I've got a 20W panel that I was going to use to keep the car battery topped up, but I think that's going to be hopelessly outgunned in this scenario.