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  • Seems we've already been rebranded....

    is an acronym rather than a word, it stands for Lots of Female Gaslighting and Side-lining of Sex. It is an online community, 99.86% of whom are white middle class men.

    The community pretends to be about bikes, but is actually a simple men's rights campaigning organisation. Women who claim that biological sex is real are shouted down as transphobic, and any concern for women's rights is dismissed by mansplaining scum. The only accepted political position is that women's rights apply to women and any man who wants them, and therefore that women's comfort, privacy and safety is of literally no concern whatsoever. It is a community of men who are fighting for the right of other men to get changed with pubescent girls; the right of mediocre male athletes to destroy women's sports by demanding the right to compete and win; the right of rapists to be housed in cells with women where they can rape again, night after night; the right of men who claim to be women to enter any rape crisis group for women, despite already having men's groups and trans groups that they could be part of, and despite the repeated demands from female rape victims to have access to single sex support. "
