Do you think that the costs of converting Joe Public's average car to EV will ever come down enough to make it a realistic prospect for those who already own an ICE vehicle, at the point when they might otherwise change that car? e.g. I've got a 12 yr old Trafic van (maybe different for a larger vehicle) - is there any possibility of this being economical to convert in another decade's time, or will the industry's desire to sell new stuff/price of parts and labour mean that it will never make financial sense?
Sorry for the long question, thanks for any opinion!
It’s all gonna be down to the labour time/costs I’d imagine.
Say you could get the electric motor/battery for £500, you still essentially would have to dismantle and rebuild the entire vehicle.
If the motor bolted straight to the existing gearbox maybe it would be viable but realistically I doubt it would be a thing for ‘everyday’ cars :/
Would be a game changer tho
Hyper9 motor with 44kWh of batteries would be around €24.000 ex vat for the parts to convert it yourself. Weight of the parts is just under 300kg. Range in a 900 would be 120 miles give or take.