Over the bank holiday I tackled the driver's door and the whammy of issues.
Window alignment was off resulting in wind noise above 50 in the cabin.
Window glass doesn't drop when the door is open.
The door wouldn't lock properly and required a push to get it seated.
Dismantled the door card, disconnected the battery for the airbag (alarm isn't connected) and fitted a good second hand genuine Regualtor. Sorry Porsche but I am not paying those prices just yet.
As you can see the fitted regualtor was shot.
Fitted the replacement but found the glass was sitting too proud in the frame. That turned out to be a folded rubber gasket that holds the window in place around the clamp.
I've straighted that overnight in a g clamp and will refit once I've received the ordered lock mechanism. My feeling is the internal microswitches are knackered/burn out, becuase the windows go down when the roof button is depressed.
Over the bank holiday I tackled the driver's door and the whammy of issues.
Window alignment was off resulting in wind noise above 50 in the cabin.
Window glass doesn't drop when the door is open.
The door wouldn't lock properly and required a push to get it seated.
Dismantled the door card, disconnected the battery for the airbag (alarm isn't connected) and fitted a good second hand genuine Regualtor. Sorry Porsche but I am not paying those prices just yet.
As you can see the fitted regualtor was shot.
Fitted the replacement but found the glass was sitting too proud in the frame. That turned out to be a folded rubber gasket that holds the window in place around the clamp.
I've straighted that overnight in a g clamp and will refit once I've received the ordered lock mechanism. My feeling is the internal microswitches are knackered/burn out, becuase the windows go down when the roof button is depressed.
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