This came to me a few years ago in a slightly ratty setup. I've been using it happily at HHV since, but something new and shiny has arrived, so time to move it on. It was painted like this when I got it. I don't know what, if any, relation this bears to The Time Machine.
100/120 spacing
Drilled for front brake
27.2 seatpost
1 1/8 steerer
BSA threaded BB (threads are clean - I just removed cranks/BB)
Cane Creek headset included
Fuji Track Comp frame, 2010 model, largest size. Full geometry details in the Fuji archive, link below.
This came to me a few years ago in a slightly ratty setup. I've been using it happily at HHV since, but something new and shiny has arrived, so time to move it on. It was painted like this when I got it. I don't know what, if any, relation this bears to The Time Machine.
100/120 spacing
Drilled for front brake
27.2 seatpost
1 1/8 steerer
BSA threaded BB (threads are clean - I just removed cranks/BB)
Cane Creek headset included
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