What dya do when a USB drive won't eject? I've been doing a backup and write speeds were really slow so stopped it, done some checks (all looks superficially okay) and gone to eject and it's just spinning there saying "removing..."
It's slow for some reason... Maybe it's dropped to a lower usb standard of you're using a hub and it's saturated, etc.
The removing thing... That just flushes buffers. If the drive was slow, the flushing will be slow.
Pulling the drive just means the buffers are discarded and so it's only partially written.
What dya do when a USB drive won't eject? I've been doing a backup and write speeds were really slow so stopped it, done some checks (all looks superficially okay) and gone to eject and it's just spinning there saying "removing...". Obviously don't wanna just pull the drive. OS is Ubuntu