Oh I gave up on the sale here ages ago. I thought a classified page would be for putting things up for sale and people would either show interest of not.
Rather naively, I did not expect out to act as a lightning rod for a collection of lonely, middle aged white men who will literally comment on anything from insects, aeroplanes and horology. People need to feel good about themselves, I do get it... and trolling is the safe way to feel big before going up to a lonely bed with a wife or husband who now resents them.
Anyway, I'll finish by doing a big old price drop. The cost now is just a cuddle mainly because I think people like El Presidente and DamselDonny really need one.
Mate, just give up on it, put the damned thing on ebay for no reserve. You might possibly get £300 from someone who's had a brain bypass. Your chances would be so much better if you put it on a site where nobody actually understands bicycles. You should credit the frame repair to Stevie Wonder for added value.