It's quite useful to save the plasterboard if you've cut it out with an oscillating tool or stanley knife and then put a larger sheet of plasterboard into the gap, screw it in above and below and fix the old plasterboard to it. That way you only have a small cut line and some screw holes to cover. It's especially useful if the plasterboard is skimmed because it will then match the depth of the old finish.
Thanks. Definitely not going through the floor for a 2m run, especially as the new socket location is in eaves with nothing behind it. Should be easy to drill through in the corner.
I think I'm going to go with some oval conduit / conduit clips.
Assuming some pre-mix plaster to fill the hole then a skim of fine filler should do the trick? I'm hoping that I can get away with leaving a lot of the plaster in place by cutting only where there are dots behind the board and feeding the conduit through.