• #113902
You can have abrasion resistance without brittleness, but it costs more. My impression is that mower blades, along with a lot of other things, have got worse over the years because manufacturers realised that they can cut costs and hardly anybody will notice.
• #113903
It’s a screenshot so sadly no.
if you're bothered by noise, try plugs(…)improved the experience of both🙂
Gbj_Tester- agreed.
• #113904
It’s a screenshot so sadly no.
Not really aimed at you in particular but I really wish people wouldn't post images of text. Lots of people find it much harder to read, especially if they are using assistive technology of some sort due to having poor eyesight.
• #113905
Ah, how frustrating! Hope it isn't too much of a chore to start over.
• #113906
What's this?
1 Attachment
• #113907
intercontinental ballistic shit silo hatch
STW → sewage treatment works I assume
• #113908
Locked steel lid to inspection chamber for the named sewage treatment works?
• #113909
Brown flashing warning light
• #113910
Didnt see a treatment works nearby. Missile silo would be more fun
• #113911
Could be chamber for a rising main for sewage. Cant for the life remember the name. A wet well comes to mind
• #113912
Entrance to vault 101?
• #113913
Ok. Was the offer of meditation before or after the court order? My experience of this procedure was mediation was offered early on when you had to the DQ.
If your concerned you could call the court and/or write a letter FOA the presiding judge to take it into consideration
• #113914
(Thanks for this, was considering just settling myself and sorting with retailer after but I’m going to sit it out a bit longer..).
• #113915
Didnt see a treatment works nearby
That's why this exists. It's a lift pump station.
Poop has flowed downhill to this point; but longer deeper sewers werent possible or practical. Its pumped up to the top of the next leg of it's gravity powered journey towards the treatment works.
• #113916
Just stumbled across this. It is 2 right?
1 Attachment
• #113917
One hole
• #113918
How many holes does a doughnut have?
• #113919
Is it safe to assume that the other 4% don't know?
• #113920
One on each side??
• #113921
Tell that to an ant.
• #113922
Mathematically/topologically a tube has one hole.
A solid
torusdoughnut has one hole, a hollowtorusdoughnut has two holes. -
• #113923
Lots about straws and holes in Matt Parker's video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymF1bp-qrjU
Including how many holes trousers have, which is 2.
• #113924
Including how many holes trousers have, which is 2
Powered, Bosch.
See your point @gbj_tester but I've had a much older Flymo with a blade that held up much better.